pesawat tera bahasa Inggris
- pesawat: aero-space craft; crew man; gone on board; went
- tera: cachet; seal of approval; stamp; seal; navy seal;
- tera: cachet; seal of approval; stamp; seal; navy seal; official seal
- bobot-tera: standard-weight
- elektrometer-tera: calibrating electrometer
- instrumen-tera: calibrating instrument
- kantor tera: assay office
- kantor-tera: board of weights and measures
- lampu-tera: calibrating-lamp
- mesin-tera: calibrating machine
- ongkos tera: gauge's fee
- percobaan tera: calibration-test
- perlawanan tera: calibration resistance
- tekanan-tera: calibration pressure
- tera air: watermark